$75/hour. Please note that I only work for other attorneys, law firms, and corporate legal departments.
I bill in tenth-of-an-hour increments, but I round DOWN instead of up. (E.g., if a task takes me ten minutes, I only bill for six.)
Rule of thumb: briefs and memoranda usually end up being about an hour per page (inc. research and drafting time) by the end of the project.
My rate may be higher for projects requiring an especially quick turnaround.
For large projects, I may initially spend an hour or so assessing the amount of time completion will require, and then inform you of an estimate before I continue.
usually don't charge for travel time to your office (if it's not too
far from mine), but if I'm going to appear somewhere for you (motion docket, deposition defense, etc.), then I do charge for the time it takes
me to get to and back from that appearance.
In many instances, the hiring attorney (i.e., you) may add a reasonablesurcharge to my rate, and then bill the client for that amount. Billing details are available on this page.
If you'd like a letter of agreement that will specify my rate, the nature of the assignment, your specific expectations, the scope of research, deadlines, and other details, I can put one together, but most attorneys don't need that detail.
George Schuhmann, Attorney-at-Law -- 3107 Lowell Avenue, Louisville, KY 40205 -- (502) 439-3766.
Disclaimer: Nothing on this website should be construed as legal advice or as creating an attorney-client relationship.